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Brow Lift

Dr Efraim vd Walt - Brow Lift

Due to the excellent results obtained with neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport), the formal operative procedures to lift the brow, became less and less popular.

The long scar across the scalp, changes in sensation, and the need for anaestesia, as well as the sometimes total loss of expression in the forehead, are all factors which contributed to the decline in these procedures.

I have recently started to use the Gliding Brow Lift technique as described by Fausto Viterbo, a Brazilian Plastic Surgeon. It can easily be performed in the rooms with a bit of sedation, and only two small incisions of 5mm each is made in the hairline.

Recovery is quick (7-10 days), and a bonus is the Botox-like effect on the forehead muscles, which might decrease the need for Botox for the forehead after the operation.